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Lotteries for Support

How to buy a ticket


  1. Visit and allow the site to analyze your location.

  2. Some rules to remember:

    • You must be in Ontario when purchasing tickets online (that's why it analyzes your location)

    • You must be at least 18 years of age to play

    • Tickets cannot be purchased on behalf of a person less than 18 years of age

    • Tickets are $10.00 per ticket, you may purchase as many as you like

  3. You must check the box that agrees to the terms and conditions and rules of play to proceed.

  4. Fill out your details.

  5. For the “Please choose a beneficiary” options. Please remember to choose charity 1 - 5 Cyclone Royal Air Cadets.

  6. Submit and proceed to checkout, where you choose your lucky envelope number(s) at checkout!

  7. A ticket is drawn every week. If your ticket is selected, you win the weekly prize!

  8. If your chosen envelope holds the Ace of Spades, you win the Jackpot!

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Kimberley Meadows at


Catch the Ace in Action! 

Check out the latest Catch the Ace draw video from the Kin Club of Russell! Want to stay in the loop on Catch the Ace, catch highlights from the draws, and see the excitement build as we get closer to finding the Ace of Spades?
Subscribe to the Kin Club of Russell’s newsletter:

5 Cyclone Also Participates in the Air Cadet League of Canada Ontario Provincial Committee January - February 2025 50/50

Guaranteed payout of $5, 000 to the winner

10 - Ticket pack $10

40 - Ticket pack $20

500 - Ticket pack $40


Visit the link below to view important dates and draw information.

© 2024 5 Cyclone Air Cadets.

This website is intended for use by the cadets and parents of 5 Cyclone Squadron, and prospective cadets and their parents, staff and Local Committee. The objective is to provide basic information about the function of the squadron and to inform cadets, parents and the local community about the Cadet Program and various events that will be taking place.

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