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Thank You to Our Sponsors
& Supporters

Get to know the dedicated sponsors who make a difference in the lives of the 5 Cyclone Air Cadets. Each sponsor plays a crucial role in providing much needed support for the squadron and allows our dedicated team of military personnel and volunteers to guide our cadets towards success. Thank you to our sponsors, without whom we couldn't support our air cadets.

Russell Foodland
Winchester Foodland
Giant Tiger Embrun
Kin Club of Russell

MiniMall Storage

130 Bay St.,
Embrun, Ontario K0A 1W1
(343) 644-5500

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Municipalité Russell Township

717 Notre-Dame St, Embrun ON K0A 1W1  |  Phone: 613-443-3066

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Russell Trivia

(613) 445-3587

at FB link

Russell High School

982 North Russell Road,

Russell, ON K4R 1C8


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Royal Canadian Legion - 372

24 Legion Lane Russell,

K4R 1C8

(613) 445-2967

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Royal Canadian Legion - 372

167 Queen Street, Chesterville Ontario K0C 1H0

(613) 448-1997

Russell Foodland

148 Craig Street Russell,

Ontario, K4R 1A1



Ask for logo permission

Winchester Foodland

12015 Main Street West Winchester, 

Ontario, K0C 2K0



Ask for logo permission

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Giant Tiger Embrun

654 Notre Dame, Embrun

Ontario K0A 1W0

(613) 443-

05-372_Russell_Legion Logo_EN.jpg
Royal Canadian Legion - 372

24 Legion Lane Russell,

K4R 1C8

(613) 445-2967

© 2024 5 Cyclone Air Cadets.

This website is intended for use by the cadets and parents of 5 Cyclone Squadron, and prospective cadets and their parents, staff and Local Committee. The objective is to provide basic information about the function of the squadron and to inform cadets, parents and the local community about the Cadet Program and various events that will be taking place.

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