Normes d'approvisionnement et d'uniformisation
Les instructions vestimentaires du CJCR expliquent en détail toutes les réponses aux questions courantes :
Où dois-je coudre ce badge ?
Où dois-je épingler mon badge nominatif ?
Comment dois-je avoir mes cheveux ?
Comment lacer mes bottes ?
Et bien plus encore !
We will do our best to provide the uniform parts as per measurements taken by the supply team. Your patience is appreciated as we have limited stock and orders can take weeks to be shipped by our supplier.
We remind you that all uniform parts are provided on loan free of charge and are to be returned once cadets leave or graduate from the Air Cadet Program at 5 Cyclone Squadron.
To learn how to properly wear your uniform, please refer to the CJCR Dress instructions. You will find more information on the order of dress, instructions on where to sew your badges, meaning of each badge, and much more.